Annual financial news and ad hoc releases

Annual financial news and ad hoc releases

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Tino Fritz will be the new CFO

Offenburg, February 20, 2018 – In today’s meeting the Supervisory Board of MediClin Aktiengesellschaft has appointed Tino Fritz (41) as member of the Management Board of MEDICLIN Aktiengesellschaft. Tino Fritz, Diplom-Kaufmann and Tax Adviser, will take over responsibility for the finance department at the latest September 1st, 2018. He follows Jens Breuer who asked the Supervisory Board not to renew his management board contract again.

Tino Fritz has several years of experience in auditing and tax advisory in the health care business. Since 2011, in a leading position he is in charge of the finance department of a large listed clinic group. “We are pleased to have found a financial and industry experienced person, who will together with his fellow board members push MediClin successfully forward”, said Dr. Ulrich Wandschneider, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of MediClin.

About MediClin AG (Ticker: MED; WKN: 659 510)

MediClin AG is a nation-wide clinic operator and large provider of services in the area of Psycho- and Neurosciences as well as Orthopaedic. With 34 clinics, 7 nursing care facilities and 8 medical care centres in 11 federal states MediClin has a total capacity of close to 8,300 beds. MediClins’ facilities include acute care clinics, general hospitals, special treatment facilities, specialised hospitals and clinics for post-acute treatment as well as medical rehabilitation. MediClin has close to 9,600 employees.

 MediClin - A company of the Asklepios Group