Annual financial news and ad hoc releases

Annual financial news and ad hoc releases

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Group sales and Group operating result above previous year − cautious outlook for 2023

At today's balance sheet press conference, the Management Board of MEDICLIN Aktiengesellschaft (MEDICLIN) presented the figures for the 2022 financial year and commented on the further development of the Company.

In the 2022 financial year, MEDICLIN achieved Group sales of EUR 704.7 mill. and was thus 4.7% above the previous year's value. “The positive development in Group sales is particularly evident when you look at the development without the benefits received under the protective shield in both years. In purely operational terms, Group sales improved by EUR 34.6 mill. or 5.3%. The Group operating result was EUR 19.5 mill., EUR 7.9 mill. higher than the comparable figure. Group sales and Group EBIT were thus in line with the guidance for the 2022 financial year,” said Tino Fritz, CFO of MEDICLIN, when presenting the goals achieved for the 2022 financial year. The Group result was EUR 9.7 mill. (previous year: EUR 1.5 mill.).

MEDICLIN wants to expand its strengths

MEDICLIN's strengths lie in rehabilitation and in the interdisciplinary medical care between acute medicine and rehabilitation.

When asked what effects the reform of Dr. Lauterbach will have on MEDICLIN's business, answered the Chairman of the Board, Dr. Joachim Ramming: “Even before the pandemic, ways and means were being discussed to make the healthcare market more quality-oriented, more cost-effective and more efficient. The legal changes passed so far and the reforms currently being discussed essentially concern the acute sector. Here we expect structural changes that could be serious for individual hospitals, especially smaller ones. As far as the rehabilitation sector is concerned, we expect an increasing demand for preventive offers and more extensive therapeutic follow-up treatments. It is important to support this trend, with outpatient and digital offers.”

"We have to make our core competence fit for the future," says Dr. York Dhein, whose areas of responsibilities include the rehabilitation segment, and added: "We are seeing two developments here: on the one hand, an increasing demand for more outpatient services that are also digitally supported, and on the other hand, an increasing need for inpatient, close to home rehabilitation in the same clinic where the acute treatment took place – the keywords here are a continuous care process and quality assurance.”

Good capacity utilization at the beginning of the year means that positive business development can be expected

The Management Board assumes that the sales and earnings development in 2023 will lead to an increase in sales and earnings in the Group due to the increasing demand for medical, therapeutic and nursing services.

However, this assessment is subject to the proviso that the effects and consequences of Russia's invasion of Ukraine will not have any massive, ongoing negative consequences for the economic and business development in Germany.

The annual report 2022, is available in German and English at

About MEDICLIN Aktiengesellschaft (Ticker: MED; WKN: 659 510)

MEDICLIN includes 33 clinics, six care facilities and eleven medical care centers. The Group has around 8,300 beds/care places and employs around 10,000 people. In a strong network, MEDICLIN offers the patient integrative care from the first visit to the doctor through the operation and subsequent rehabilitation to outpatient aftercare. Doctors, therapists and nurses work together in a carefully coordinated manner. MEDICLIN designs the care and support of people in need of care according to their individual needs and personal needs.

MEDICLIN ─ a company of the Asklepios Group